Sunday, February 6, 2011

Week 5: Day 5... or, um, 3

Well, since my CT told me I was on fire this morning, I'm going to go with "Today was a fantastic day!!!" ;-)

It felt hard to get back into things since we had 2 days off in the middle of the week, but it all worked out! I had to remind that even though we had two days off, we're back in school so we have to raise our hands. They did pretty well remembering after that :-)
Calendar & reading were fine. During centers, one of the students who usually has a few things to catch up on finished ALL of her work!! I was SO excited for her, and she looked super pleased that she did it!!! I let the students use their individual whiteboards for Word Work, then we did a cute worksheet! It didn't take as long as expected, so I let them doodle on the back of their worksheet when they were finished.
Lunch was an interesting time, as it always is with PSH!! That was quite an experience to see how close the staff get to each other ;-)
After lunch, we had our read-aloud, then our Topic 9 assessments for math. Some of the kids FLEW through it, but usually they do the test all together since a few kids need the questions read to them. The ones who finished just had to sit quietly at their desks until I finished going through the test with the others. When I graded them, almost everyone got 100%! That was pretty impressive :-) I think patterns are pretty easy for them to figure out, though. The rest of the day was nice, they did a poem and shopped at the classroom store. I was worried they were going to be late for the bus at the end of the day, but we made it!! Happy Friday! ;-)

Helpful Hints:
-Visuals are always nice to have for lessons.

Need a Smile?
-Student: "I was sad when they said there was another snow day, I wanted to come back!!" Another student: "I didn't!" Me: "Awwww, you don't like spending time with me and CT??" Second student: "Well, I do..." Chorus of students: "I do! I wanted to be here!" ;-) Adorable.

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